Tuesday, August 5, 2008

About Cheap Time

At this moment, I join millions of other people with no lives on a seemingly endless quest to share with the world things that the world isn't all that interested in. Today, I start a blog. This is not just any blog, this is a blog full of all the weird and pointless side projects I spent my ill-gotten spare time making a reality.

I don't have free time, because time is not free. Time is money. My time is just dirt cheap.
You can quote me on this.

If I enjoy this experiment, I'll be writing up all of my more interesting projects, which include forays into art, music, carpentry, investments, and various other hobbies and interests. I have plenty of completely projects to write about, but I plan to write about new projects step by step, as I complete them. This includes crushing failures, projects that would be put to shame by an infant with play-do, and whatever else I can think to do.

There isn't much more to say in an introduction like this, so I'll leave it at this. I hope everyone, myself included, can find something worthwhile in my past and future exploits.

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